Saturday, August 14, 2010

It is business afterall .... friend or not....

Working in a service oriented industry taught me to handle adversities as it comes. Afterall, as I always say, customer can be a$$holes, shit can happen, but ultimately the good "after transaction" service would most definitely go a long way in establishing a continuity from the customer, especially when the trust has been set.

And, the last thing that I would want is to tell a customer to handle the problem themsleves while I reap the benefits.... a very easy way out if you ask me....

Conversely, if I have to settle the "problem" myself, why would i need the service to begin with right ? And why would I need someone to help me do it... ?

It was an opportunity I had to give out no doubt, but if this is the kinda service i am getting, why as a customer would I continue next year ? {>.<}
Oh well, no hard feelings... people have flaws; and it's business afterall.

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