Monday, September 28, 2009

Time is my Greatest Enemy

I didnt sleep well yesterdae... or rather I think I didnt really sleep at all despite closing my eyes...

YS keep saying I am EMO; on the contrary, I tink I am not eh... it's just alot of things going through my mind... yesh I am disappointed, but at the same time I think that I was feeling more of "what a pity". Something magical could have worked out, oh well, bad timing i guess...

I lost to time.... again

I was just lamenting to Kelson today, my biggest enemy is time. I forever lose to this element... be it work, life even love !! aiyoh !!



Carlos, the inspector trainer from Brasil, mentioned about time/opportunity today. He said that when faced with option(s), there are typically 3 permutations from human beings.

(1) Reject them becos one is so sure.
(2) Embrace them and take the best one.
(3) Procrastination gets the best of things and one hopes there will be no other options to make an obvious choice.

I think there is absolutely no right or wrong rxn... and it is solely dependent on individual. But if you ask me, I might go for (1) or (2). I used to embrace (3), but not anymore. Learning to draw a fine line and be decisive is something I have been "forcing" myself to do.

Presently, I think alot, but when I have decided on something, I will not look back.

Anyway, I think decisiveness is key to being in management. I am still learning and I will continue to learn as I execute, fall, recover and grow along the way.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Learning to LET GO

I tink learning to "let go" is an art.

Dun get me wrong, there are times where micromanaging pple or things are important, becos sometimes things need to be scrutinised to make sure eveything is running smoothly.

However, if micromanaging the minute and small things, it becomes painfully unwelcoming. Not only does it wear down the person who wans to micro-manage, it also takes a toll on the people being micro-managed. And many times, these are outta good intentions, very sad that it has to turn out lidat...

It's like pulling the kite, pull too hard and the string snaps; you dont pull, the kite flies away.

I am still learning to draw that fine line... hopefully I can master it.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Uni Gathering - 18092009

Cant believe it was a year ago we were still talking about exams and grad trips... now its all about marriage colleagues and work... hahaha

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Happy Pics ~!!

PR2 reminded me to post happy stuff online... so there u go...

I cant resist, they are so cute lah ~!!!

My cousins' sons !!


Monday, September 14, 2009

My Critique doesnt undermine my RESPECT for Teaching ...

I think i am pretty critical of teachers these days... hmmm
Maybe I shouldnt be so hard on them...

Anyhow to put the record straight, I absolutely respect many of my teachers. They are the ones who taught me to be who I am presently. Many of the things that I find doing with ease now seemed to date back to them scolding me and guiding me as I tumble my way along.

I must admit there were surely times where I totally didnt appreciate them then, but I do now.

They sure didnt call building/molding a character wrongly. Rome wasnt built in a day... so is our individual characters !

And teaching is never an easy career. So for those who think it is not a career but you are in it somehow... hmmm... I rest my case...


Social Responsibilities....

I always remembered what my sec 4 English teacher (Helen Soong) used to say to us,

“You guys are the top 15% caliber batch of people in Singapore, what you may understand and thus not be gullible may not apply to the rest”

She was referring to our questions about why we need to have censorship when we already understood that it has no influential effects on us.

Now zoom to the present, I know I will be getting shit for this, but I think that sometimes teachers need to have social responsibilities. Take my friend for example; he got really jumpy when he found out that someone tagged him on some funny pictures of him. I did not do the tagging… really… so anyhow I totally understood why he feels that way. Apparently he has students on his FB account, so it is definitely not a good influence on that. And I agree with him, which was why I apologized and deleted the whole picture. It was a mistake on my part to leave the photo up there for him to be tagged.

Social responsibility is often linked to being boring or loss of right be have a personal life; and I think that it is definitely a fallacy. Being socially responsible doesn’t mean that a teacher can’t have his/her private life. He/she can party, drink and do whatever that is he/she deems fit; all I am saying is that it is anyone’s right to be themselves, but don’t be a bad influence to your students when they are at an age where they generally still need time to understand what they should and shouldn’t do. There can be the better ones who understood, but what about the 85% who doesn’t ? So sometimes it’s not really about I want to be myself and stuff. I strongly feel that everyone can be themselves; but it doesn’t hurt to shield complicated stuff from the “unintended audiences”.

Celebs and public figures are the same, their actions will most definitely influence peoples’ behaviour… so they are always under our scrutiny… then why not teachers ?

If you found out that your kids’ teacher has been drinking, and your 12 year old kid knew about it, wont you be worried !? Something to ponder about…. Also recall the Joo Chiat squabbling incident where that teacher did her stunt on TV and it became a big fuss… why ? Seems like some things are more self explanatory that others… haha

And just a gentle disclaimer, both my parents are teachers and they have stood the test of time to be retiring from teaching at 60 soon… and my sis is going to be a teacher in 3 years’ time… I did relief teaching too… so it would probably be fruitless to pin me down for not knowing anything about teaching…. But maybe I am just old fashioned … hahaha

I really don’t know …
