"Do to others what you want others to do to you, thats empathy...." "Think carefully before you act, and never regret after the action(s)... that is happiness..."
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Something which I cannot Understand....
Perhaps they realise their ex wasnt their right one afterall ? Perhaps they found better gals ? Perhaps their ex decided to part ways.. i dunno seriously... which brings me to my question :
Is maintaining a r/s so complicated ?
Or maybe becos we now have more choices in society that we fail to really ask ourselves wat we need and want, rather than "the next will be better". I am not asserting that the old ways of 'prearranging partners' is acceptable; rather, i am sighing that the modern way of 'free love choices' may not be that great afterall...
There will always be the clash bet security and love.
I could recall pple telling me when the r/s gets too long, the sparks doesnt fly anymore (or hes more like a close friend than a lover); but, isnt it wonderful to have someone who knows u inside out in your life ? I mean i am fine with break-ups becos they knew they are not suitable for each other... wat i cannot accept is when the r/s gets to a stable point and suddenly its time to move on... no sparks... haha
Lovers can be good one day and break up the next day... no feelings ? not serious ? no sparks ? Or like i asserted - someone better is out there... i really dunno and cannot seem to fathom it.
A small part of me is starting to lose faith.... 8)
Anyway gotta go for my weekly jog le ... and it's back to mugging later...
PS: Feel free to gimme some answers peeps !! 8)
Sunday, January 21, 2007
MediaCorp - The Dance Floor
And these are the pictures taken :

The whole BP Gang

The whole BP Gang (Chang and his boyband post... haha)

Ever heard of the boyband "死都不会红" ? hahaha

Keet, KJ and Drey

KThing and Drey

Boyband "死都不会红" having supper

The Wonderful Ladies of our BP Gang
Oh, noticed we were all in some sort of yellow... yeah u'r right... the theme for Gold Fac 3 is gold... so the supporters have donned the yellow colour for the event !! Stay tuned to the Dance Floor Sunday 28th Jan 07 and vote for Gold Fac 3 again yeah !!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Wats Your Element ?
Your Element Is Water |
![]() A bit of a contradiction, you can seem both lighthearted and serious. That's because you're good at going with the flow - but you also are deep. Highly intuitive, you tune in to people's emotions and moods easily. You are able to tap into deep emotional connections and connect with others. You prefer a smooth, harmonious life - but you can navigate your way around waves. You have a knack for getting people to get along and making life a little more peaceful. |
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Rainy Rainy Sunday...
Anyway, keet has a new topic for discussion when we met yesterdae at westmall coffee bean - If your child has talent in sports, will you encourage him to make a career out of it ? Haha sounds so intellectual and 'uncle'... i mean intellectual in the sense that how often do you discuss this kinda issues with frens and 'uncle' becos we dont even have gfs, let alone children...need to think so far anot... haha so my dear frens... beware of the new topic !! Wahahaha
I feel that no matter how we squeeze out our brain juices for this topic, we can never come up a suitable answer. Simply put, alot of the decision depends on the situation as well as the character of the child.. anyway i tink its more practical to get a gf first before thinking of children...seems so distant to me yeah... which brings me to another self question, wat kinda gals suits me ? Haizz... chang says i cant live without woman and i sorta agree with him... but where can we find our Miss "Security"s... hmmm...
Oh Well, in the end we went holland V for supper, and as usual, we ate like we were having dinner siah... just takea look at the food we ordered:

Yam Ring...
btw...the stingray taste very "kiao", dunno y...
Hotplate Tofu... healthy meh ? Hmmm...
'Holistic' view of the entire spread....
The food looks scary right... no wonder i getting fatter le... but y is keet so skinny when he eat more than me... pissed.... wahahaha
I must cut down on supper... i must i must...8( haha
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Is it the Right or the Left ??
I really cannot stand people hogging onto the escalators when the people behind them are like trying to move down... i mean hello... do u need to be so inconsiderate ? Its not like there is anyone blocking
Urgh... its getting irritating by the day siah... pple hogging on the escalators in mrt train stations... haha so good old me decided to give a share of my thoughts on this issue... but first and foremost gotta do some disclaimer... i dun really know if its official or wat but wat i m going to say is purely just my own interpretation.
Okay... so here goes.... just from my observations ...in
This logic also kinda transcends to moving along stairways... in that from a person walking up the stairs, he/she should be moving on the left side of the stairway, leaving the right side for the people coming down, simply because its how the roads in Singapore are orientated - the left side is always moving forward. Well, as i disclaimed earlier... not enuff substantial evidence to back up my 'theory', but i tink i am right on this one...
So, pls frens... whenever u move along the stairway or escalators... think abt wat i have blogged today and be courteous enough not to hog the way when the people behind are trying to move down.... haha
Friday, January 5, 2007
School Reopening soon....
Its hard but i have to slowly adapt... hopefully new environment, new profs, new frens and new experiences.
Good luck to all my NTU kakis...
See u soon !!
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Crying a Woman's Right ?
I shall not digress, the title of this entry is "Crying a Woman's Right ?" remember. Ok heres my take on this issue :
GUYS cry... but they cry inside... just tt not many of them do and not many women knew such fact.
WOMEN crying may not be because she feel for the person she is crying for. Some of them just really like to cry... crying becomes sorta like a form of relief for these kinda women.
Okay before any of my female frens start choking my neck when u ever see me again... tink abt it.... the actual crying out loud kinda motions are really sometimes just tantrums.... when u feel really hurt... the crying starts from the heart and only tears will run down... the world kinda like stop spinning before ur eyes and u just stopped every other movements. So tt my feeling... if ever one cry and he/she can run out of his room, call a fren, or even lose feeling... then erm... they are just stress reliefs and not genuine hurt. Perhaps some women just cant take the hard cold truth being blatantly thrown to them.... perhaps these women have never had to make any decisions for themselves... watever the reasons... this kinda crying seems a little immature to me...
Haha of course there are many guys who r really jerks !! But all i wanna put out to pple is that sometimes women are not so much better, and tt when a guy cries... he does not shed any tears. Rather, he will loose his will to meet the challenges of everyday...
So crying a woman's right... nah... different level of understanding i guess...