Desaru was alright i guess... nothing much to be fun about though...haha.... the beaches are off to the tourist due to the monsoon season. Basically, all i did was go to the Desaru Fruit Farm and eat fruits. Oh i did get to eat lobsters too... dunno y though...

I also went to see fireflies in Kota Tinggi. I must admit, the whole bushes seemed like xmas trees...haha not bad to watch.... But toking abt the firefly watching, cant stand the Singaporeans sometimes though... the light that the firefly gives off are faint and flickering, so its kinda silly to try to take picture of the whole bush with firefly lights glowing. Worst, some of them actually use torches to shine onto these poor creatures (just like wat our guide said: If you are making love with someone... would you like someone else to shine torch at you ...?? Haha)... i tot Singapore is supposed to be educated and civilised ? Hmmm....
Anyway... this trip did brought back good old memories of my time staying in Kampong...back in the 1980s. OMG... 1980s... i m so old...wahahaha.. Yeah, for you guys who dun know... i used to stay in Jurong Kampong from 1983 till 1990. Even when i have moved to flats, i occasionally visited my beloved kampong.

HanBing will know wat i am saying. In fact, her grandma was my neighbour back then... such a coincidence...hahaha i still remember loitering between the two places (my home and her grandma's home) everyday. There were also the usual leisures like catching spiders... playing with our dogs, playing with my childhood fren , running carefreely around the undergrowths.... and gambling (yes gambling... now you know where i learnt gambling from...haha).

We reared chickens and planted fruits like pineapple, tapioca and even yam. Haha, I am so fortunate to be able to have these kinda experiences... now tt Singapore doesnt have any authentic kampongs around....
Ok end this blog i shall show you guys something interesting i took in Desaru:

How often do you get to see an ostrich, turkeys and chickens on the same enclosed area ? Haha Who knows...the big bird might just squash the chickens... It's kinda like an illustration of the evolution of chickens... they used to be so big (like the ostrich)...then reduce in size till be like the turkey (maybe we humans ate their food...haha) and finally to the modern day chicken...wahahaha
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