Tuesday, January 1, 2008

BBQ at Changi Fish Pond... on New Yr's Eve

At first I was a little procrastinated about going to the Fish Pond with Marcus and gang. We were going to have a bbq there ... and it was a new experience for me..

Vanson and me

So I tagged along in the end yeah... and it was a whole new experience. I never fished before and it was quite fun to swing the hook and stuff. Most importantly, we get to bbq our cath straight at the place. The promphet we bbqed was perfect man... and there were 2 more other fishes but they were not as good... dunno y...

The spread

BBQ Fish anyone ?

A nice and tranquil place actually... just a little infested with mosquitos. 8) Definitely a good place to have some peace... esp at night...

Marcus the Fisherman

Junxiang the Cook

Justin the Big Chao Geng

By the time we left, it was already near 430 am in the morning !! Some were drunk, the rest were ladies, so I being the only sober soul there had to drive them all home with Marcus car. Hmmm... really had a hard time adjusting to auto cars as I am so used to driving a manual one... 8)

A new experience on New Yr's Eve.. cool !!

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