Today's revision was slow... as expected.. but slowly getting pace... I even missed my fav bball session for it... hahaha
I am gonna be a hermit for the whole month till the end of APRIL tt is... haha
Aniwae toking abt bball... last week Mr Hoo Yifei was the cameraman and he took some snap-shots of us playing bball at the indoor court. Being narcistic, I shall post a photo of me slashing to the basket... cant remembered if I scored on this possession... still a nice shot of me... good job Yi Fei !! We r really gonna miss these bball days when we start to work man.... haiiiz....
On a side note, today is my beloved Tiancai's bdae... hahaha ... I promised him 2 bdae presents... one is confirmed ... the other still pending:
1) Treat TC at Brasil for being such a nice person to help me buy my TITANIUM DIE CAST JETFIRE (WAR WITHIN).

2) I told TC that I might be bringing some lady fen(s) if they dun mind tt is... this is the 'pending' present... kekeke Aniwae i dun like xiao mei mei.... so TC can have all the xiao mei mei he wants... wahahaha
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