We may have lost a black sheep in the family, but yet we have grown closer ... and I like the situation now.
Had an outing with them after meeting them in the evening for dinner, and we ended up at Bens n Jerry at Dempsey. Wooohoooo

See... from the old old cousins to the bengs and little ones... from talking about our parents and wat they did when they were young to uniting to curse the black sheep... hahaha
This trip back home wasnt wasted at all eh... the closer ties with my family is something which I had not anticipated. In any case, it is definitely something I look forward to when I come back home from Houston in April.
Even in Canada, I was lamenting to my colleagues when they asked if I were thinking of staying in Canada.
My reply was "Nothing beats home."
And I have not regretted a single bit of wat I said.