"Do to others what you want others to do to you, thats empathy...." "Think carefully before you act, and never regret after the action(s)... that is happiness..."
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Loopsided Sat/Sun
I went to town to have a breather... it's been quite awhile since I have been there and my goodness... things have changed quite abit... not in a "mountain turtle" way... but more like "I really needa start roaming around the town area more" way ... tsk tsk
I was looking to buy some jeans and clothes... hahaha ... which fortunately I didnt splurge... haha
Anyway, the roaming finished at around evening time, whereby I proceeded to Sembawang for a wake of a customer's mother. I hung around abit there and spoke quite abit to him; turns out, he and my ancestory both came from the same place in China... what a pleasant coincidence !!
By the time I left the wake, it was around 830 ish already. So from there, I took the train all the way to Bouna vista station, and then walked to Holland V for come chilling with SC n Gina. I didnt drink much, just abit only and for the toking cock session... so finally we left and I reached home by 12 MN...
An absymal Saturday i must say... and an unusually quiet Sunday... lol
No bball due to rain...
Oh well enough of my rumblings... gotta prepare for war again tomorrow... Safety Officer here ... needa prepare for safety briefing talking to the Banglahs... hahahaha
Have a great week ahead people !!!
Sleepy Laoda
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
YOG Table Tennis
"Chaotic is the style of the match; that how they will win the game" (Men's Fianls)
"What an aggressive match" (comment was made on a defensive player....)
Whoever is the one commenting in the YOG table-tennis matches needs to be shot alive. *Roll eyes*

And we really need to get someone who knows at least abit about the game to do some worthwhile commentary...
BTW, no offence to him... but is it me or does the African coach look like a giraffe ?
tsk tsk....
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Immature beings need to be put to SLEEP !!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
It is business afterall .... friend or not....

Sunday, August 8, 2010
My Birthday - Time check for my list

1) Clean the toilet
2) Do gardening
3) Drive forklifts/ pickups/ prime mover
Dun laf.... it's really so. The steep learning curve is a challenge to me, but I am all for it. Just like someone told me, now not busy then when ? I just need to pace myself a little better...
Anyway, now that I have some time waiting for the Charity Shield to start, it dawned upon me that this is the best time to head back to my list for the year and check out the ticks... here goes:
1. Excel in my new project(s)
Yes. In progress. I think I am doing so definitely, given the amount of responsibilities I shoulder now.
2.Continue building up contacts
Yes. In progress, but in line with plans.
3. Making new friends while maintaining old ones.
Yes. In progress, doing good so far.
4. Continue learning at work
Yes. My mentors are great, if not best !
5. Travel a little more…
Bali for leisure, then Labuan for work, and potentially back to Labuan. so Yes.
6. Spend more time with my grandma
Plesantly surprised, but yes. I am spending more time with the folks at home, despite the busy schedules.
7. Spend more time at home
Yes. See 6.
8. Keep myself healthy and fit
Yes. I passed my IPPT, so should count right ? hahaha
9. Keep a lookout for potential gf
No, unfortunately. Still on the lookout, but have someone in mind... lol
10. Do a marathon
Yes. StandChart 42km run in December, here I come !
So, score is 9/10. Not too bad hahahaha.
As for the perfect score, it's probably gotta wait... heh (^_^)Y
So far so good... !
Help !! Who can donate liver to me ?

This time round, 1/2 a bottle of martel doesnt kill me at all siah... oops... I think I really needa detox for awhile... it's one thing to constantly maintain the level, and it's a totally different thing to level up lah.... ^^
Either that or I need a new liver.... real soon.... lolz
The gang tried to make yours truely drunk, but failed for the most part. Mitch did get me though... she unknwingly added chilli into my drink while I took a leak... as usual... she and her mischeivious ways ... hohoho
BPian - the gang !

Monday, August 2, 2010
Part and Parcel of Learning....
1) Pace myself so that I wont be shacked out by 430 PM....
2) Not feel despondent when things didnt go my way
3) Cheer myself up whenever things goes wrong and I cannot control it when it's not my doing !
4) Appreciate my lao jiaos becos they are really a bunch of fabulous mentors !!!
Happy Birthday to myself !!!