"Do to others what you want others to do to you, thats empathy...."
"Think carefully before you act, and never regret after the action(s)... that is happiness..."
Oh my god... i wanted to take a short nap at 4 pm and I just woke up... |||
WTF... i need to wake up my bloody idea man...
Projects are to be completed by next week so that the last 2 weeks are catered for exams preparations.
Will blog less and less... but I will try to fork a little free time here and there to blog... really damn busy... but at least my FYP had some progress.
A retro song I would think... but still bring back lotsa memories of the good times in Sec School.
U know... the funny thing is I find losta simliarities between the cast of FRIENDS and our click.
1) Chang, Keet, KJ, me, Ling, Grace, Drey sounds like good duplicates of them... 8)
2) Other than not living next or near to one another, we r super crappy and can get by the day with our wacky stunts and witty lines...
3) Despite the occassional disagreements and stuff, our friendship remains strong and I am confident that we will still be like that even we each of us get married and have our own families.
4) Let's see :Chandler and Monica ... Chang and Gracie... muahahaha
Mdm Quek is retiring soon... end of the year and ex-402s of 1999 are going down to support her when BPGHS presents her with their token of appreciation on 24th Oct 07 (wed).
Well... really wanted to go... but I have some last min stuff to handle which cannot change the timing... so I cant be there.
Oh well... thats life I guess... but still we have prepared flowers and a present for her !! WOOHOOO !!
I am not a expert in r/s... neither am I qualified to talk abt r/s i guess..
but I suddenly had this theory one fine night:
"Trusting someone is like a piece of glass; once the trust is broken, the glass will start to have cracks."
One can decide to continue using the glass by covering it with something (cloth of etc.) but sooner or later... more cracks will start to appear and then the glass would probably shatter one day. When that happens, the glass can never be retrieved.
Which brings me to another thingy...it is not directed at anyone in particular - I cannot fathom the idea of breaking and patching up becos I feel that it has similar analogy to my glass theory. Once, broken, cracks will always be around... perhaps r/s is too hard for me to understand le... haha
At the end of the day, there will always be better candidates to handle the glass yeah.. it is just up to the individual to gauge who is the most worthy. So all the best peeps !!!
P.S: The last glass that I used, it was shattered. But I moved on...8)
"Life aint abt how hard you are hit, but rather, how many times you are hit and can stand up again."
Wooow... i did a surprise quiz today... check it out:
Lecturer: Class, these are the quizzes for last week....
[after 15 min]
Lecturer: Okay, class, help me by filling up the questionaire for my lectures.
[another 20 min]
Lecturer: And your surprise quiz... 40 min... from now...
HUH ??
A lecture is 50 min and we r supposed to finish it in 40 min !!!???
WTF was tt man... anyway... he did gave us some written hints and then told us how to do the questions. Apparently, this Indian lecturer dont really like the setter of the quiz, which was the other lecturer (I had 2 lecturers for the subject)... hahaha
But we only have f**king 20 min to finish it... oh well... anyway the hints/lecture notes were damn useful and I worked backwards... hahaha...cheated my way round and managed to get some decent workings out on the sheet of answer sheets...
Just some thoughts after watching a the last episode of "清宫风云" on channel U:
The Empress and Duoergun(多尔衮) fought so hard and sacrificed so many things for more than 30 yrs to get married only for the the Duoergun to die 15 days before the wedding... after so much they have been through... perhaps they really deserved more...
Sometimes i really feel that we should work hard for the opportunity to come... but sadly... there are many times when the result(s)/outcome(s) just dun go our way(s)...
Perhaps the efforts werent hard enough... or perhaps... its destiny...
However, despite not going our way(s) at times... nothing will go our way if we dun work at all...
So we still need to put in the efforts ... just that the outcome is something that we hardly can control and let destiny brings us to where it deemed yeah... which brings me abck to my previous blog of training myself to take failures, rejections and learn from them to push me forward...
I think I ought to learn 2 qualities from the people around me:
1. Idling at times.
Take things as it comes to be precise. Sometimes I am too eager to see 'results' that I often get hysterical over issues like projects, assignments and job applications for that matter. Although it is good to prepare for change(s)(which is the very reason y I tried to prepare and get ready early...), something it is really not within anyone's control and I must learn to take things at a time.
2. Courage
Courage to face rejection. I think this is one of the most pressing qualities I need to learn. Ability to face rejections and then learn from the mistakes. Too often, I get boogled down by the thinking of failures that I can neither perform well nor take the results well due to the confidence levels... Hmmm...
It wont be easy to change my character or personality at an instant. but I hope to really brush up on these qualities and then 'face the world' when I graduate... which is very soon le...