Friday, June 27, 2008

Aftermath of a breakup....

Recently knew of 2 frens who were hurt...

one is hurt becos he cannot swallow.. hahaha

the other becos of breakup.

I will tok abt the latter yeah...

I can sorta understand my fren's feelings becos I have experienced similar, if not worst scenario yeah... the feeling that "I have put in so much effort, consciously and subconsciously to the r/s and yet the actual outcome was not within my control becos the other person just dun see us together at all" This sense of helpless translated into weeks of despair and questioning myself like y is this happening to me and stuff... And I confess that it took me a long time to move outta of this state of being angsty and manipulative naggy person...

However, now I always tell pple:

"If one is able to let this hurdle go, there will be a brighter sky ahead !!"

Learning to let go and move on is a mindset - a mindset that we should be confident of ourselves and that just becos of difference in priorties in life doesnt make you the loser in the r/s. Perhaps we need to find a few unsuitable partners to really treasure the eventual one...

So dun despair my fren !!

I'm sure there will be better suitors for you !!

Jiayou jiayou !!

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