"I just wanna remain as it is now and then best if I no need to grow up at all !"
This is not the first time i heard it from people. I dun wanna be sexist, but yesh the people whom I heard it from are all gals. I wont even call them ladies becos they simply choose not to grow up... hahaha

I usually will call them Xiao Mei Mei (XMM), for those who know me well enuff. This term has got nothing to do with age really. Rather, it's gotta do with behaving like an adult and then be able to be self-sufficient. Let me elaborate on what I think XMMs are lacking:
To be able to understand and accept that life has to go on no matter how much work sucks and how much better it was to be still a student. And most of the time, one just have to be professional and separate work from play. It doesnt mean we cant have fun, it's just that there is always a time to play and then always a time to work. The line doesnt have to be so clear; but there must be a certain line nonetheless.
You guys do the math eh...
Another thing is being self-motivated. We just gotta take some self initiatives sometimes to get things going. People around you can help; but they can only help so much sometimes. The responsibility and owest is on one to get things moving instead of forcing things on others. Once in a while, who doesnt like to have the easy way out ? I am guilty myself sometimes. But the bottom line is I dun always expect people to back me up everytime I screw up something or when I have a problem.
It is perfectly fine that one has his/her own set of thinking. But to work in teams, compromises are just part and parcel. More often that not, such give-and-take are necessary so that we do not push our own set of idealogy on other pple. This is more general and I admit some people (not just XMM) lacks this horribly.
So, if you ask me how to not be a XMM, accepting that one has to grow up is the key. With such an attitude change, the rest will just bridge by themselves man...
Well, having said that, I believe XMMism is just an attitude from being pampered too much in life. Singaporean gals seem to have XMMism very much imbedded in their thinking, perhaps due to our success in churning out regularity and prosperity in our economy. Life's so good for us Singaporeans that sometimes we dont really know how big the world is out there, and we also dun really appreciate what we have now.
At the end of the day, ladies were once XMM ... so are men... we used to be XDD too.. getting out of it is the deal man...
I will definitely find a special someone who has crossed the river of maturity to the "lady" side anytime !
PS: Tian Cai, wake up your f#$%king idea and stop chasing your XMMs !!! hahaha
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