Monday, April 19, 2010

Do we really lack courtesy to that level ?

Sometimes, things really happen for a reason leh...

I mean I respect that we all needa put priorities our life on stuff like family bfs/gfs and what have you. But u know, sometime it really bugs me that people get too obsessed over it lah... I mean look at it this way, it takes two hands to clap; you are not putting in any efforts to at the very least be courteous enuff to want to talk nicely, it's probably the worst way to maintain rs lah...

Well, what do I know ? Becos I am not obsessed doesnt mean others arent ... hahaha
In fact, I think I have a pretty balanced lifestyle so far... so I can say or do what I want.

Like I say, what goes around comes around... so it's really no loss; more of an enlightenment.

So dont ever lament one has no frens, look into one's own behaviour first.


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