But, to understand and appreciate the grey part, I think we all need to learn about her in black and white first. It's like schooling u know... we all study about the ideal cases before touching and dwelling into the different cases and anomalies.
For example, having been through and gained a particular experience, u will kinda be able to anticipate the end from looking at the initial stuffs, but if you start preaching the concerns to someone who hasnt had that experience, he doesnt appreciate everything for sure. It's like u know the way from point A to point Z, but he can only see it till point K u know.... so it's so much easier to bring the person to point K first and then move on from there...
Give you guys another example, real life ones. In my line of my work, I had to coordinate with the colleagues in the yard who are not from the management; initially, it just drives me crazy becos they dont see the things the management sees. But after awhile, I realise I would have to convince them slowly, from one point to another point to reach the goal(s) that I want. It's draining sometimes, no doubt, but at least it gets you to the end that you want... and also everyone is happy. Conversely, had I unleashed all my expectation(s) on that poor chap who isnt convinced somehow, I dont think much could be accomplished at all and feelings would be hurt... and things will turn pretty ugly for sure man... most importantly, nothing gets done at the end of the day !

It works the same for the advice we give. It could be the most correct advice, but if it doesnt get the person to the intended aim, whats the use ? I would rather bring the person to a certain point(s) and then for all we know, he would be able to get it to his end himself. If not, I advise a few more times to get him there...

Let's just say to tackle the complicated, we need to do it simple.
Like Hans and John mentioned, no rocket science involved at all !!
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