Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Life is so unfair…

Well yesh life is pretty unfair… good people always kana the bad things sometimes… heard a bad news from a fren… thus the agreement to life unfair sentiments. But at least there is still some good news in that they knew about it early, so hope is still there ! Hang in there buddy !

(Quote and unquote my mum): In the meantime, you gotta stay strong and healthy to brave through everything.


Speaking of life, that is why I tried to understand all the fortune telling stuff actually. I am really not into the notion of knowing when I would die or when I would become rich. Rather, I am more into knowing myself better. Understanding like the tendencies of my life/character and thus tried to minimize any form of “inauspicious” impacts while maximizing “auspicious” ones. But… but… at the end of the day, the pre-condition is that one has to work hard to strive towards their goals. Give an example, there is no point in knowing the stars saying one will be rich and powerful, but he/she don’t work hard at all… money and promotions will fall from the sky ? hahaha…
Oh, and there is another sentiment from people in general that the bad guys always get away with their sins… or do they really ? Well, I kinda think that it is a perspective problem. Like I always tell people, retribution often hits when you (bad guys) are less prepared for it… or it could be a long lasting shit happening like unfortunate things happening to the later generations. Well, let’s just say the good guys gets bullied, but ends up in heaven while the bad guys bullies and ends up in hell eventually… it is always good to think positive man !


The past few weeks has been so exhausting man… not a single bit of rest from all the travelling and moving around. Not that I mind though, just that I am concerned if my body could take another run like that. Next week, I am flying to San Diego, California, followed by going to New Orleans in the following week for Mardi Gras; so, I need to build up some stamina man… I will upload the pics asap…


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