Dong dong dong qiang dong qiang dong qiang !!

Huat ah !!!
Yesh.... Happy Chinese New Year to all !!!
Time for some Master Low predictions for those who were born in the year of the Pig:

1) The year of the Rat is a year where the career will prosper for the Pig.
2) Tao Hua(aka love) wont be so smooth or to it's hearts content. People who seek r/s should explore during the 5th and 11th months, preferbly in overseas or on trips.
3) Health is an issue for the Pigs and he/she should particularly beware of accidents. My dad even went further to remind me that the Pig should take extra cautions of steps... hahaha
Overall, the year of the Rat is a year full of Tao Hua and it is a year where plannings has to be made and efforts put in so that one could reap his rewards. However, do be careful when travelling to the North as the unlucky "qi" is concentrated there.

Grace, in case u feel neglected, the Dog is super "Wang" this Rat yr so no need to tok so much. Perhaps just health becos u wont have time to care abt it with ur Career and Love blossoming till lidat. Haha
All the best pple for the new yr and may all our dreams come true !!
Huat ah !!
P.S: My predictions are a combination of the Taiwanese shows ("命运好好玩", "开运万事通"), my Dad's reflection after the going for some fengshui seminar, and the Channel 8 CNY show on eve.
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