A good fren recently got back his laptop from a gal. A summary of them:
My fren likes her;
She dun like my fren (or she seem to be);
But she never reject him;
Instead she exploits his feelings for her in one way or another.
I need a little disclaimer before starting my ranting though... I do not know this gal and most of the things i knew came from my fren. But that doesnt mean I am biased becos i feel that its kinda clearcut that there is something really wrong with this gal. Why ? Consider this, if you r this gal:
1)Isn't it very irresponsible to like not reject and continue to give a glimpse of hope to someone when you knew very well that it's impossible bet you 2 ? Any individual is not a condom where u can just f*** and throw away lah...
2)Would you even open ur mouth to borrow something so expensive like a laptop from this persuer whom u have no feelings for ? Correct me if I am wrong, it's clearly a wrong signal one is giving to that guy. Just becos my fren is "willing" doesnt mean she has to exploit his feelings right ... ?
Whats wrong with pple these days; or rather, whats wrong with gals these days... i kinda see a trend that more gals have this traits nowadays than guys....
Like I told my fren, "Air purifer cost only 80 bucks lor... bo bian if the other person is gian beng.... A laptop cost at least 2000 odd lah... must take back !!" when he was a little hesitant to take the laptop back. HAHA
If you ask for my opinion,I feel that this kinda pple are just pure selfish. One can be selfish by all means... but one shouldnt be selfish by implicating or explioting others becos i feel that this gal didnt spare a little thought for my good fren at all... perhaps deep down inside she is not a kind soul at all... its not like she can be bothered anyway...haha

Lucky for my fren, he sorted out his tots and has since moved on. Good luck my fren... this kinda gal not worth it at all lah !!! 8)
You know the worst thing from planning anything is when you get pple who cannot be bothered to even give a response. I am not saying I am someone who cannot take rejections; I am saying I need to know I am 'rejected' to move on...hee~
I dunno... attitude is something I really preach among my frens. It is a simple gesture to message someone who is supposed to be planning something for everyone whether one is interested anot. It says alot about the attitude and how important the planner is to the message sender. But apparently there are bound to be some pple who doesnt really seem to care much. So, the next thing is to totally BO CHUP ("dun care" in hokkien) and dun plan.

Simply put, I really cannot be bothered with BO SIM ("heartless" in hokkien) pple and pple who sometimes really take things for granted from me. Sometimes, i dun need ppl to thank me for little kind gestures, but to take things for granted and give sarcastic comments, I condemn with a BIG FULL STOP ... haha. So wat if tt person used to be on good terms with me, I dun give a s**t la... hahahaha
What's worse, to bo chup at first and then suddenly became enthusiatic about the whole event doesnt really win one allies. So I have decided, I am staying out of the planning... at most I be a follower. Worst come to worst, cancel the plan lor... its not like I can be bothered anyway... haha~
There goes one more person into my "condemn list"...wahahaha
Mel: So r u still mad at that her ?
YC : No, y ?
Mel: U seemed like u r still angry lah...
YC : No lah its more like cant be bothered with her nonsense lah...
Mel: So u considering finding someone soon ?
YC : Easier said that done lah... anyway its not my priority these days... Men age like wine... haha
Wat a question mel asked me today... haha Actually few months back I already felt that its really time to let myself go of all these nonsense lah... haha so dun worry peeps... I am really over this s**t le lah...
But.... if you ask me if I have regretted how I reacted throughout the breakup - I will say "HELL NO !!". I didnt react at a spur of moment; in fact, i reacted after careful thoughts and considerations. Give me a few retakes and my reaction will be the same haha!!
Perhaps, like tt gal i mentioned earlier, my ex was giving me "ambiguous" signals that really gimme tiny little glimpse(s) of hope back then. But it soon became clear that it was all nonsense, so I decided to let go and hell yeah I still think I am right... so no longer anger just indifference towards the whole nonsense...wahahaha

Well, nowadays i seem to understand that there are more to a r/s than "lovey dovey" thingy - Serious r/s require lotsa different aspects to make it work and perhaps I am still learning to be up for my next challenge haha. In anyway, it was a lesson well-learned; Better future is everywhere in the air... hahaha
Wish me luck pple !!
Hmmm... so how many pple added into my condemn list.... So far... 3 !! hahaha
Will be posting mel's bdae celebration pics soon !
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