So here goes:
1) Dinobots - Love them for their strength, hate them for their simple-mindedness or stupidity... they r the toughest AUTOBOTs around man... wats Transformers without their presence. BTW... i saw a rumour saying tt Dinobots may be in the Movie 2 man... wooohooo

2) JetFire - My fav AUTOBOT. He's the Air Guardian of the AUTOBOTs in Cybertron(planet where these robos came from....). A cool and flamboyant AUTOBOT.

3) Gesalts or Combiners - All time favs of many ... 5/6 robots able to combine into a larger one... ultimate cool... wooohooo

4) A combi of Metroplex and Trypticon - For any Transformers Fan, who can forget the rivalry between these 2 gargantuan robots. Metroplex is a battle fotress cum vehicle while Trypticon is a spaceship cum Tyranusaur... haha Hopefully, this rivalry can be put onto the screens man... haha

5) Insecticons - Disgustingly powerful Decepticons tt transform into insects.... need I say more ?

6) HeadMasters, PowerMasters or even Pretenders - new breed of Transformers with human element included. These robots are half machine half human. A little too ambitious for Movie 2 but i hope it can be out by Movie 3... still... its too adventurous le lah....haha

Any other fav Transformers I missed peeps ??? Hot Rod or Ultra Magnus ?? haha
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