Haha I must declare that I am a Man Utd Fan, period. So I am disappointed that Chelsea beat Liverpool to take a step closer to the BPL. Unless Chelski really screw up their last 2 matches, which I highly doubt, we have no chance at all.
Then again, my disappointment in Liverpool goes beyond the results of this game. Liverpool had a Euro game 2 days ago prior to this showdown with Chelsea. So, like I was telling Kelson, if I were Benitez, I would have gone for a draw by packing my midfield and defense, given that there is such a small chance that they were going to steal the game. So I really think Benitez has gradually but surely failed the Liverpool fans with his tactics. At the end of the day, I believe he doesn’t understand the BPL game at all.
Before you Liverpool fans start taking the knives outta the drawers, I feel that Liverpool are a good squad with talents players; just the wrong mix of players. Continental players need a season or two at least to get accustomed to the style of play in BPL; but if there is always an influx of continental players every offseason, how’s the team going to ever gel ? Having one less competent team to challenge the title surely makes BPL less exciting doesn’t it ?
Then again, my disappointment in Liverpool goes beyond the results of this game. Liverpool had a Euro game 2 days ago prior to this showdown with Chelsea. So, like I was telling Kelson, if I were Benitez, I would have gone for a draw by packing my midfield and defense, given that there is such a small chance that they were going to steal the game. So I really think Benitez has gradually but surely failed the Liverpool fans with his tactics. At the end of the day, I believe he doesn’t understand the BPL game at all.
Before you Liverpool fans start taking the knives outta the drawers, I feel that Liverpool are a good squad with talents players; just the wrong mix of players. Continental players need a season or two at least to get accustomed to the style of play in BPL; but if there is always an influx of continental players every offseason, how’s the team going to ever gel ? Having one less competent team to challenge the title surely makes BPL less exciting doesn’t it ?

So Benitez, for the sake of Liverpool and BPL, please leave for Juventus !! lolz
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