The new coach for the Bulls, at least the the whole season, is Jim Boylan. He was the assistant coach to Skiles. He was made the interim coach until GM Paxson could find someone better.

First game under his charge, was a lucky win for Bulls though. Gordon was back to his sixth man role. But wth was wrong with Nocioni man... jacking up shots like there was no tomorrow... wth 2/12 for a bench player. One more nonsense game like this and he will sit on his bench for good man... haha

Besides this, another problem I see is that the players seemed to be accustomed to chase their opponents that they seemed to be waiting for the Bucks to get back at them when they had the opporunities to lead or tie the game... really very bad mentality man... Seems like this is the real reason why they cannot keep leads and stuff...

Do it pax !
Well, a win is still a win...
Go Bulls !!
On a side note, wanna see fiesty character in NBA, here you go:

Bucks' coach Larry Krystkowiak was apparently pissed with the match officials... talk about being pissed, I am positive the match official must have slept with his wife or something... wahahaha.... and for that he was given only 2 technical fouls... |||
I wouldnt want to tok to him if I were the match official... scary .... kekeke
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