Let me do a little intro, our tour consist of 24 ple - 11 indonesians, the Goh family (5), my Low family(4) and XXX family. I put XXX cos i fucking dunno wat their surname is- they dun interact or speak to anyone of us.

Here is wat they did:
Ungracious - Notice there is lotsa children and an elderly in the group.

This XXX family apparently tot they must be first in everything. So they pushed and squeezed whenever possible, knocking and hitting all of us including the elderly and children. In fact, he hit the elderly on the head. As the elderly remarked, "He dunno have the chance to live till so old anot... " My sentiments exactly.

Then come meal times, we were separated into 2 tables of 12 ppl each. Whenever each dish came, this XXX guy and lady will take 1/2 of all the dishes and messed up the rest of the food. "Eat quickly and eat more, sons !!" was wat they always said during meal times. Take the steamed egg for example, she bloodly took half and left some crumbs for the rest on the table. And they removed the meats from the dished, leaving the veg for us only. I tink u peeps get the picture yeah... hee
Uncourteous - He stands in my mum and sis way while my dad was trying to take pictures for them. Politely, my mum commented," Excuse me please." That XXX guy acted blurr. So my sis and mum went aside to let them first. But it turned out that my mum and sis were a little closer than should be. So XXX retorted, "Hello !!" WTF man... if I was there I would have stood at the same place without moving lor... like how he pushed me i just stayed at my position and he could do nothing abt it... haha

Reminds me of a big big stone... haha
Digraceful - It's a story about toilets. Hahaha I am serious.
XXX guy brought his sons into a toilet with 4 cubicles. And he locked the toilet up, for fuck you guys might ask ? How the hell would I know... maybe he is trying to teach them a lesson on SANITATION ? So the crowd gathered while we all waited for the toilet to unlock. WTH and slowly and disgruntedly he unloacked, after his lessons on sanitation.

As for XXX lady, she was too impatient to wait for the toilets; as we all know female toilets need a little queuing when the crowd gets big. And guess wat she did, she used the MALE toilet !! And she was damn proud of it haha, excaliming to the tourguide tt she is the fastest of the ladies in using toilets.
The ULTIMATE came when we were queuing for the flight back to Singapore at the customs. XXX guy cut our queue. And he forced his way through as both our trolleys collided. With his minature and cock eyes, he stared at us. I acted blurred. My mum just commented," Let him lah, nvm..." Haha. and forward he went, walking like an ape. Why I said APE, think abt it... head tilted down, body leaned forward and dashing ahead. Remember the evoultion theory of humans, I tink he is stuck bet homosapiens and the monkey hahaha

This XXX family really represented some of the minorities in Singapore man... those kinda GIAN BENG GIAN SAI to the max! But there is really no need for us to punish or care about them. In fact, I am going to celebrate their deeds with a specially made picture ! Haha
P.S : Anyone who happens to know this XXX family, feel free to tell them to see my blog yeah... I tink they will love it here ! *winkz*
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