Now you see....
Now you dont !!!
Haha... 2 semesters of waste to clear though... and doing it on Xmas... becos tmr gotta restart my FYP prep. Been out of touch since I went HK. Oh well... time to buck up... been playing alot this hols which I shouldnt have... becos like my prof reiterated... this is not the time to enjoy... 8|
On a side note, during the HK trip, I realise something:
My parents are really getting old leh.. Seems like it has been a while since I really look at them up close and they really aged alot since the last time i really did tt... tells me how time flies and how I should really start to contribute to the family - the family that raised, moulded and educated me. So it's really time to end my studies soon and come out into society to work.
It sometimes dwells into me that most parents are so wonderful pple... never thinking about the reaps and rewards while giving whatever they can for their children. And for a start, I would really want to follow the style of my parents... so that my future children can be groomed for a better future...
Thinking too much already... oh well... get a gf before thinking too much ! And toking abt buddies are trying to intro me to women... haha ... yes in this era... match-making seems like such an "offbeat" thingy la hahaha ... besides... sometimes things are just meant to be.
R/s is not a priority now although I wouldnt mind trying one... I have been on a winning streak on the MJ table since I started playing MJ with these buddies. (They say winning on gambling realm means losing on love realm ... hahaha )Yesterdae, I lost for the first time ... who knows maybe things are really starting to look good in the new yr... hahaha
Grace... heard tt... you guys can start to assemble all the women guys wanna intro to me... wahahahaha 8P
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