First day at BPGHS... started my day at 2B, a normal acad class... wah damn noisy lah... these teenagers r so full of energy and I have really a hard time trying to bring their volumes down. Then proceeded to 201. Less noisy and playful class... 8)
Weirdest icebreaker qn i heard so far was ,"Teacher, wats ur frenster ?". Wah nowadasy students r so friendly siah... some ask me got gf anot....
Even SIM MENG HOE also ask me got gf anot !! wah kaoz... so important to get gf now meh ??
He says better to get married by 30 to have enuff stamina for your kids... agreed.... but I m still single... its not like I wanna marry then marry lor... marry who siah !!??
hmmm.... on a side note... realised XIAO TOH is on MC due to operation of her legs... hopes she get well soon. Also to the teacher I am relieving - Mdm Yu; hope that she recovers well and come back to school soon.
Well... tt all folks... for BPGHS Day 1
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