Made some new frens with the newer staffs and the newer generation of students, as well as caught up with some of the older staffs in school, if only get to talk to Mrs Toh ..... 8) Generally a new experience in terms of opening my eyes to the art of teaching.
Some things I have learnt from the experience:
1) Teenagers and wat they think r really outta this world and its amazing wat some of them have in terms of some common knowledge... if you compared to my time as a teenager.... perhaps globalisation was at a far more developed state from my time.
2) Teaching is never easy. Heard my parents said it over and over again... din appreciate it until I was in it. There were times I nearly wanna strangle some of the rebellous kids... but hey there are also those that I find quite frenly and hardworking. In anyway, I will definitely think twice before I go into teaching.
3) Politics is everywhere; but I reiterate that I really dun like the "politics" I see in the education system. Of all the place, education is the place where the least of such nonsense should occur. Playing politics only makes the teachers and staff unable to concentrate on their task - to educate the later generations of kids !
In anyway... teachers are no longer the "百年树人" (teachers are described as "hundred yr human trees" in Chinese proverb due to the amt of effort and vast-reaching influence that they have on the later generations) they used to be... more and more emphasis are really placed on monetary gains and fame for the school.
4) Some of the Normal Stream students totally gave up on themselves. Nobody would give up on them if only they choose to do it to themselves. A very sad scenario... lesson learnt, no matter where you r in the education system (be it normal or express), its the end of the road that is more important than the path.
At the end of the day, good things have to end but I really appreacite the help and assistance I received from the staff and I also thanks BPGHS for giving me this opportunity to experience teaching.
All the best to the old and new frens I made there !!
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